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Approached Malayan 走进玛拉雅

Khenpo JiaYang Rinpoche was born on August 6, 1962. Mari Township,Xinlong County, Sichuan Province. Khenpo Rinpoche has a great confidence to Sambo & a strong compassion to the living beings when he was a little boy. When he saw others slaughtered cattle and sheep and other animals, Rinpoche was standing beside the animal to prevent harmful behavior from other people, So that he often beaten by those who kill the animals and lives and covered with scars when he got home.


Khenpo JiaYang Rinpoche is really smart; He started his Tibetan learning when he was seven. Because of the inherent renunciation, eight he abandoned eh secular and bacame a disciple of the great perfection achiever Sorong Nianzha Rinpoche. He gradually gained a lot of Tibetan Buddhist professional rituals and Inheritance. Due to his goddesses, and also he has a high comprehension ability. Sorong Nianzha Rinpoche deeply loved him, like one of precious son of Sorong Nianzha.


At the age of seventeen, Rinpoche came to Čoka,AYielei Temple in 1979. He began his learning and retreats in the fall of the second year there. He did his retreats in the cave for many years which Karmapa QueZhaJiacuo’s has been ever done before. He did the Mahamudra &Wo Hop and showed out the deity about the body language of the Buddha hood.It is appeared witness of Vajradhara position. Khenpo Rinpoche then went to the size of temples and worships in Kozo, Qinghai-Tibet Mountain area continue to his Senate &further study there, he also visited the factions of senior monks without distinction sectarian to learn secret teachings.and he’s gained the most excellent Dharma's benefits. He‘s got the Bhikshu precepts by Khenpo Gaba. He also got received the "four heart drop", "seven the treasures"such this kind of profound and subtle methods from JiaYangXiLa Gyaltsen Rinpoche. Rinpoche also got all initiations, heritage and tips of "The great treasure Hidden Collection" from Tulku Dolo.


In the autumn of 1988, Rinpoche came to one of the thirteenth largest place where the Avision achievement of holy body SedaLaRongWu Ming Buddhist Institute. He help served as an attendant to the Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok Mani as a bellhop to for years. He concentrated to painstaking research of Esoteric Buddhism & Exotoric Buddhism ,Tantra,Madhyamika, alsoPrajna , the Abhidharma-kosa-Shastra , morality five big Shastras, good science eloquent, perfect penetration without obstruction. He’s proficient in five wisdoms Sciences too. Especially very familiar with the obscure declaration&it’s all printed by Sanskrit of the ancient Indian. The Buddhist scriptures mantras were all recorded by in Sanskrit. If proficient in in Sanskrit, Dharma will be more precise and convenient comprehension, if he proficient in Sanskrit, Dharma comprehension will be more precise and convenient. But also because he’s got outstanding achievements in Sanskrit and the Dharma king Mani personally awarded Khenpo certificate and get all the empowerments, the highest great perfections, heritage&tricks.


In many different area of Tibet,if you ask:Who’s JiaYang? People might not know,but if you say “ShiamathaJiaYang”people would say:”Yes,I see,Yes I know him”immediately.


Because the Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok Mani used so call to him like that, so then they spread far and wide.

In 1997, the Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok Mani has been opened an education system which about to improve the kagyu traditional heritage classes. Khmpo was one of the most important responsible person. Khenpo also has did as a professor there to teach five statements courses. Khenpo Rinpoche did a great efforts, hard working&alsometiculous, painstaking training a large number of talents monks, most of them now became Khenpo of the temples of their own.


1999, there was a very auspicious &very excellent opportunity,Khenpo was invited to attend the “Ninety-nine m groundbreaking ceremony of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva”by the president of the Buddhist Association of China, president of the Buddhist Association of Anhui Province Rende monk and his party. Thus, Khenpo Rinpoche started dharma promotion also to give benefits to the sentient beings all around China.


Rinpoche he was raising deep great compassion when he saw that the disciples plagued by a variety of troubles, determined to make pure quiet Dharma passed to sentient beings. He’s committed to making people understand Misheng. Although there are abnormal hardships during the processing. But he overcame the living environment to the basic necessities of life, language barriers, ways of thinking and many other difficulties, with a wide range of interests of different kinds of skillful means &gives love to the Sentient beings. A few years time, Khenpo Rinpoche did a deep impact for his disciples &many believers, He led up to the number four disciples karma for them, and to accumulated wisdom and blessing MERITS, release hundreds millions of living beings. And he has taught the "The Sons of the Buddha” "La Rong Puja", " Five Foundations Orpreliminary Practices ", "Fairly Phowa 'consisting mainly of key to rising sequence. It is mainly emphasized Wen Si, Bodhicitta to establish political sampajanna &right viewal also to observe disciple’s foundation to do the appropriate levels of the instructions. Open interest is shown as converted,There’re are no different between Esoteric Buddhism&Exotoric Buddhism.Dharma wisdom, The saints Amrta, Foundations Orpreliminary Practices,etc. 1999 went to Thailandto greet back up to 18 tons a respected jade Buddha Sakyamuni made.


1999, he went to Thailand brought back a respected jade made Buddha Sakyamuni it‘s up to 18 tons.It’s offering to the Dharm King Jigme Phuntsok Mani. Pray for the well-being of his body of Dharma, long live too. Mani welcomed it with all his monks, and he opened it himself. Reclining Buddha now enshrined in the west wing of Mandala inside of the LaRong Holy Land.


In 2001, When Khenpo Rinpoche's went to visitIndia, the Karmapa and Tai Situ Rinpoche were really praised him& said that: “Khenpo JiaYang Rinpoche is the great Khenpo who did a outstanding contribution to the White Sect for Kozo region” Khenpo while Khenpo certificate issued. In order to dharma promotion Health benefits surpassingly along the edge at home and abroad, In order to let the dharma promotion benefits to human beings surpassingly, and arisal of conditions both home and abroad, Karmapa and Tai Situ Rinpoche wrote a recommendation letter to Khenpo personally to let him convenient with compassion according to Khenpo certificate, Reasonable use of this certificate benefit of all sentient beings. Khenpo JiaYang Rinpoche also met several great Mahasiddhas,such asthe Penor, Sakya,Drikung, MindrollingChiQin, Gordon ChiRen Rinpoche, Thrangu Rinpoche.


In order to pray to the great goodness Guru Mani and other senior monks have long life in who did the great contribution& benefits to all sentient beings all over the world,He respected for butter lamps thousands of lights in India, and the to do the majority giving. Gathered Offering to the monks. Khenpo Rinpoche also went to the place where the birth place of Buddha, Buddhist practice place where Buddha became enlightened, the place where the Dharma Chakra of the Buddhism such as the eight places Nirvana Buddha shrine, and Padmasambhava lotus sea retreats, three pagodas Nepal and other holy places too.He made seven days sophisticated retreat each place, and he got perfect virtues there. Under exhortations of the Karmapa and Tai Situ Rinpoche's,KhenpoJiaYang Rinpoche started the first restoration measures of the Hall&Mahakala Temple of Coka. After returning to Cuoka,and other projects such as the Turning Dharma Chakra. Then with courage& busy rushing time to build the auditorium, warehouses, monks bedroom and other infrastructures , as well as Retreat Center of the PiCaWopu Temple &Lama schools. Khenpo Rinpoche also laced with gold to JueWo Statues with his disciples to Lhasa every year. And he also went to Samye Monastery, Sera Monastery Drepung, Mindrolling Monastery, the monastery and other major temples to give the offering to the monks.


Rinpoche gave distributed relief supplies to XinLong poor householders in the Township in XinLong County. The local believers were very grateful &really praised to Khenpo Rinpoche,but he stressed that: I m just a general practitioner but the money and materials are all from belivers in the whole China.

2004,There’re several leaking parts in the building of the Čoka Temple, KhenpoJiaYang Rinpoche began a second project to build & the maintenance to Čoka Temple of Taoist temple, preaching hall and reconstruction of the canteen and warehouse ,etc.


In winter 2004, Khenpo Rinpoche was invited to preside over the Tibetan Annual bliss Puja. During that trip, Rinpoche was defying of the exhausted of journey, braved in minus 20-degree cold, wherever he went, he all did pray for the world peace. And he supported to the Monks for the ell-being of all livings,to send off the heavy Aphorisms for sentient beings. Because great compassion of the Khenpo Rinpoche which has wonderful pariggaha force, there’re number of people attended the Dharma assembly. Tibetan Buddhism belivers released their own   yaks after the Dharma assembly . According to statistics, there are 17,000 yaks has been done in stagingly. Khenpo JiaYang Rinpoche also Conference used all the supports from the belivers for the local release of sheep and yaks. When he returned to Chengdu,he has bought the yaks before they were slaughtered to release them from the slaughterhouse nearby. Khenpo Rinpoche established The KambaCaring& Ride out Association Ride out Association. Since the Association set up so far, It has built seven local caring welfare primary schools in ChangDu of Tibet, Ganzi, Aba and other places, also known there’s nearly a thousand of children have been started their school life and education there. Among them, the Kamba caring Welfare School (The local named as: Čoka Hope Elementary School) has become a well-known local elementary school Xinlong County and the teachers excellent too. This schools are mainly according to the syllabus to the obligations on the basis of the Ministry of Education, it’s the implementation of the main Chinese, Tibetan, language teaching, English is supplemented lesson of the three, the school's students are all orphans, some of them are from single-parent families and children of poor families composed of full tuition and fees free, It did a great help  to solve the fundamental education problem of the local Tibetan children.


Over these years, Khenpo Rinpoche has been committed to promoting and developing the national educations. There’re many dropouts’ teenagers who from the improverished area of his hometown, helped by Khenpo in different varying degrees. There have been dozens of children were introduced to do their study in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Henan and other places of schools by Khenpo JiaYangRinpoche. He also funded eight poor students to university in Beijing to relizads these children’s dreams of studying. In 2006, Khenpo Rinpoche gave a great support to all monks of La Rongwu Ming Buddhist College with 12000 of clothing & 120 tons of rice. April 2008, a fire accidentally burned through several important initiatives CokaTemple hall, could talk like of Mahathir Gala, Terma Lineage Colectionsx, a number of important Sutra and other relics were damaged, since then Khenpo JiaYang Rinpoche began the third reconstruction of the Čoka Temple with the difficult processsing.


When WenChuan Earthquake happened in the May 12, 2008, Kamba caring &Ride out Association first time launched the rescue.

April 14, 2010 they have become the main rescue team during the Yushu earthquakes; they  appeared in the disaster site and participate in the rescue timely. Khenpo Rinpoche raised funds 12,892,800 Yuan issuance the donation supplies, tents 4500, for the victims of Yushu,and helped  with a total of 5000 families. He did the salvation victims of after earthquake (and also held a large release of nearly a thousand.cattles, sheep)

In the Summer of 2001, Khenpo Rinpoche went did the great support to monks in Ganzi region including La Rongwu Ming Buddhist Institute and Ayo Temple, Templeand many other temples, with 370 tons of rice totally.


In order to do better carry out charitable activities &events&supporting the people who need help, He also established a special Mercy Fund.

During the Spring Festival 2011, Yushu was very cold, The Mercy Fund launched: "Keep Yushu warm,and love to YuShu timely" event, Khenpo Rinpoche actively involved there. And called for a total donation of more than 2.57 million Yuan from 500 charitable people.


April 2011, During the Yingjiang earthquake,YunNan,China. The children's stationery were all lost The Mercy fund launched the Event again "Love Yingjiang, Charity bags" , in just one month, They’ve got thirty thousand of charity bags and stationeries sets sent to Yingjiang like a steady stream from across the country.


In the June of 2011, the Mercy Fund continues with the supporting Events of “Love Yushu, Charity bags" campaign, sustained attention to poor students after the earthquake in Yushu.


During the December, 2011, the Mercy Fund was officially incorporated into China Population Welfare Foundation since then become an official non-profit public fund.


No matter Kamba Caring& Ride-out association, or Mercy Funds these are all adhering to the spirit of love of life, dedicated to the education of children, people with disabilities, helping the elderly, environmental protection, anti-risk rescue, wildlife protection, protection of intangible cultural heritage other undertakings.

In addition, Khenpo Rinpoche also was rushing to both Tibetan and Chinese, through the release the livings, preaching to teach the chanting rituals, Buddhism empirical disrepair, giving Indian scriptures and various conveniences to give the good karma to benefits human beings, So that there were many believers converted to the Buddhism.


According to the Inherit of Nyingma tradition, adhering DharmKing Jigme Phuntsok Mani teachings of, Khenpo Rinpoche and his Root guru are all have a common wish which is to benefits to the Sentient beings. He is the person who has been touched with contact with or gets his ideas then you would know that he is the person who with the compassion, wisdom, quiet, comfortable, humorous, approachable, then it is Khenpo JiaYang Rinpoche.



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Khenpo JiaYang followed Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok to serve for many years


Khenpo JiaYang and the Seventeenth Gyalwa Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje

嘉样堪布 (左) 与 大宝法王 (右)













在藏地的很多地方,如果問“嘉樣是誰?”人們可能會說不知道;但如果提起“聲明堪布”,人們馬上會說:“哦,哦,認識!認識!” 因為法王如意寶曾經這樣稱呼過堪布,於是便廣為流傳。






















































Approached Malayan 走进玛拉雅
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