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The Most Venerable Dakini Muntso, niece of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, was born on the 2nd day of the 12th Tibetan month in 1966 (the Year of the Fire Horse) in Sertar, Sichuan Province. 

The Most Venerable Dakini Muntso, niece of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, was born on the 2nd day of the 12th Tibetan month in 1966 (the Year of the Fire Horse) in Sertar, Sichuan Province. She is an embodiment of many bodhisattvas and is commonly recognized as the emanation of Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal by many accomplished masters worldwide. In 1999, as the reincarnation of the great female accomplisher Minling Mingyur Paldon, Dakini Muntso was enthroned at Mindrolling Monastery which is one of the principle Nyingma monasteries.

At the time of her birth, H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche had just completed his practice of Dharani “Mun”, the seed syllable of Manjushri Bodhisattva; therefore he named her Muntso. “Tso”means ocean. During the first four days and nights after birth, Dakini Muntso sat in the seven point posture of Vairochana. Without being breastfed, she chanted the mantra of Manjushri Bodhisattva during sleep. She didn’t even cry when she came into this world.

Even since her childhood, Dakini Muntso had been learning, contemplating and practicing Dharma under the guidance of His Holiness. She received the pure transmission of almost all the exoteric and esoteric teachings from His Holiness and was granted the degree of Khenmo by him shortly after the founding of Larung Five Sciences Buddhist College. 

Because of the extraordinary connections in previous lifetimes and the ripening of her vast vows, Dakini Muntso had always been accompanying and assisting His Holiness. With his permission, she has been teaching and granting empowerments to Sangha and lay practitioners at Larung Valley. Dakini Muntso is generally venerated as Vajar Guru by the Sangha of Larung Five Sciences Buddhist College and has become the most important successor of His Holiness.

In the Tibetan year of the Wood Monkey (2004), after the nirvana of His Holiness, Dakini Muntso was elected as the leader of Larung Five Sciences Buddhist College by all the Sangha there. 


From PTZ






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