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The full name of Khenpo JamYang Rinpoche is Karma JamYang Jiangcan.“Jamyang”is the given name of Thrawn Nianzha Rinpoche. It means Manjusri Bodhisattva. Karma is the gift from Tai Situ Rinpoche, meaning "Row &holding Buddha's cause"”Jiangcan” is the gift from Dharma King Aqiu Ayo Lama Temple.

Khenpo JamYang Rinpoche was born on August 6, 1962. Mari Township, Xinlong County, Sichuan Province. Khenpo Rinpoche appeared to have  great confidence in Sambo (Three Jewels) and strong compassion for the living beings when he was a little boy. When he saw others slaughtered cattles and sheeps and other animals, Rinpoche would stand beside the animals to prevent harmful behavior from other people, Consequently he often got beaten up by those who killed the animals and went home with wounded marks and bruises all over his body.


Khenpo JamYang Rinpoche is really smart; He started his Tibetan learning when he was seven. Because of the inherent renunciation, at the age of eight he gave up the secular life and became a disciple of the great perfection achiever Sorong Nianzha Rinpoche. He gradually gained a lot of Tibetan Buddhist professional rituals and heritages. Due to his very good nature,  as well as his strong perception, Sorong Nianzha Rinpoche has a great fondness for him, as if he is one of the precious disciples of Sorong Nianzha.


At the age of seventeen, Rinpoche came to Cuoka Ayelei Temple (Mtsho kha Monastery) in 1979. He began his learning and retreatin seclusion practice in the fall of the second year there. He did his retreats in the Karmapa Chodrak Gyatso retreat cave at the Mtsho kha Monastery for many years. He completed the studies of Mahamudra (“great imprint”) and Wo Hop into body, speech and mind of Yidam, and is now known as the third name of Dorje Chang.It is appeared witness of Vajradhara position.  

Soon afterwards, Jiayang Rinpoche went out everywhere to learn and study religious practice from great masters, he went to large and small temples in all parts of Kozo, Qingzang (Qinghai-Tibet), and Tibet and went on pilgrimages to legendary sacred mountains, paid respect to many eminent monks of great virtues from all sects, learned the teaching methods of both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism, acquired numerous benefits of the Buddha dharma.

He received the Upasampada from Khenpo Geba. He also received inheritance and empowerment from JamYang XiLa Gyaltsen Rinpoche through learning of the profound and subtle methods such as Nyingtik Yabshyi ("Four Heart Drop"), "The Seven Treasures", etc. Rinpoche also acquired full empowerment, inheritance and the know-hows of "The Precious Treasury of Termas" from Dolo living buddha.


In the autumn of 1988, Rinpoche came to the thirteen great rainbow body achievement holy land - SedaLaRongWu Ming Buddhist Academy. He followed and  served as an attendant to the Dharma King Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok  for years. He researched  and studied Esoteric and Exotoric Buddhism with painstaking concentration. With regard to Madhyamika, Prajnaparamita , Abhidharmakosa-Sastra, Hetuvidya and Vinaya, the five major Shastras, he was great at studying, discussing and integrating them without obstacles. He’s thoroughly proficient in five wisdoms Sciences, . especially has clear understanding of   the obscure sabda-vidya.  Sabda-vidya teaches Sanskrit of ancient India. The Buddhist scriptures mantras were all recorded  in Sanskrit. If one’s proficient  in Sanskrit, the comprehension of Dharma will be more precise and easy. The Rinpoche underwent strict tests of lecturing, discussing and writing at LaRong, and also because his outstanding achievements in Sanskrit, the Dharma king personally awarded Khenpo certificate, and he received all the empowerments, , inheritance and the know-hows of the highest great perfections.


In 1997, the Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok opened a kagyu heritage class with complete education inheritance system. Khenpo JiaYang Rinpoche was one of the most important people in charge. Khenpo Rinpoche also served as a professor of the sabda-vidya and the five major Shastras at the Buddhist Academy. Khenpo Rinpoche worked tirelessly without complaints, conscientiously and meticulously, through painstaking efforts to train a large number of talented monks, most of them now became Khenpo of the temples of their own.


1999, there was a very auspicious and  excellent opportunity, Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche was invited to attend the “Ninety-nine meters foundation stone laying ceremony of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” by the vice president of  Buddhist Association of China, who’s also the president of Buddhist Association of Anhui Province Rende monk and his delegation. Thus, Khenpo Rinpoche started dharma promotion also to give benefits to the sentient beings all around China.


1999, he went to Thailand to welcome back a jade-made reclining Buddha statue of Sakyamuni that weighed up to 18 tons. It was offered to the Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok for praying for his well-being as well as the long existence of the Dharma in the world. The Dharma King welcomed it with all the monks in the Academy, and personally opened and consecrated it himself. The reclining Buddha is now enshrined at the west wing of Mandala of Guhyagarbha of the LaRong Holy Land.


In 2001, When Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche went to visit India, Karmapa and Tai Situ Rinpoche praised him and said: “Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche is the great Khenpo who has made  an outstanding contribution to the Buddhist White Sect (Kagyu) for Kozo region” and awarded him the Khenpo certificate . In order to promote dharma to benefitall beings and fully prepare agreeable conditions both at home and abroad, , Karmapa and Tai Situ Rinpoche wrote a recommendation letter and entrusted Khenpo to practice Buddhist scriptures with, as well as his own wisdom to spread benefits to all sentient beings. During this visit, Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche also met several Mahasiddhas, such as Penor Rinpoche, Sakya Trizin, Drikung, Minling Trichen Rinpoche, Gordon ChiRinpocheand Thrangu Rinpoche. In order to pray for the long life of the Dharma King and other eminent monks who have made great contributions and benefited all sentient beings all over the world, he offered one hundred thousands of butter lamps in India, and gave offering for the monks and charity extensively. Khenpo Rinpoche also went to the eight holy places such as Buddha’s birth place, where he practiced ascetically, became enlightened, first promoted DharmaChakra, and reached Nirvana, and the lotus sea where Padmasambhava retreated, the three main stupas in Nepal and other holy places as well.  He made seven days intensive retreat in each place, and completed with perfect merits and virtues. 

Under the exhortations of Karmapa and Tai Situ Rinpoche, Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche started the first restoration measures of the main hall of Cuoka Ayelei Temple and Mahakala Temple after returning to Cuoka, and other projects such as turning the Dharma Chakra. Then with full courage and resolution, he busied himself from place to place to prepare and build the auditorium, warehouses, bedrooms for the monks and other basic facilities, as well as the Retreat Center at Picawopu Temple and young lama schools. 


Khenpo Rinpoche also leads his disciples to Lhasa to gild Buddha statues such as  JoWo Statues every year. And he also went to Samye Monastery, Sera Monastery,Drepung Monastery, Minzhuling Temple, Tsurphu Monastery and other major temples to give offering for the monks.

In addition, Rinpoche distributed relief funds and supplies to poor households in Mari  Township, Xinlong County. The local followers were very grateful and gave Khenpo Rinpoche high praises , but he emphasized and said: I’m just an ordinary practitioner, and all the money and supplies are from the Buddhist devotees all over China.  In 2004, there was water leakage in parts of the building at Čuoka Temple, Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche for the second time began the project to build and maintain Čoka Temple, repair Dharma Protector Hall, and lecture hall, and reconstruct the canteen and warehouse.

In the winter of 2004, Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche was invited to preside over the Tibetan Annual Bliss Puja (Dharma general assembly). During that trip, Rinpoche defied the exhaustion from the journey, braved in minus 20-degree severe cold weather, wherever he went, he prayed for world peace. And he made offering to the monks for the well-being of all living beings, and send widespread aphorisms (as sweet dew and divine rain ) for all sentient beings. Due to the assimilation and benefitting force from the great compassion of Khenpo Rinpoche, there’re as many as hundreds of thousands of people who attended the Dharma assembly. Tibetan lay Buddhists vowed to release their own home-bred yaks upon hearing the amazing sutra at the Dharma assembly. According to statistics, there were over 17,000 yaks that were released in different time periods. Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche also used all the offerings from the worshippers at the assembly for the local release of sheep and yaks. When he returned to Chengdu, he bought the yaks from the slaughterhouse nearby in order to release them. 

In the summer of 2005, Khenpo Rinpoche established the Kamba Caring and  People’s Benefits Association. Since its establishment up till now, it has built seven local orphans caring primary schools and yound lama schools in Changdu of Tibet, Ganzi, Aba prefecture of Sichuan and other places, this enabled nearly a thousand of children to go to schools for education. Among them, Kamba Caring Welfare School (the local named is Čuoka Hope Elementary School) has become a well-known local elementary school in Xinlong with excellent teachers. This school follows the curriculum of compulsory education from the Ministry of Education as the basis, it implements trilingual teaching, with Chinese language as the main priority, supplemented by Tibetanand Englishas ; the school's students are comprised with orphans, children of single-parent and impoverished  families, their full tuition and fees are free, this helps  to solve the fundamental education problem of the local Tibetan children.


Over these years, Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche has been committed to promoting and developing nation’s education. Many students from his hometown Xinlong county who dropped out of schools due to poverty , age ranging from a few years old to teenage, were helped by Khenpo to varying degrees. There have been dozens of children who were introduced by the Rinpoche to do their studies in schools in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Henan and other places . He also funded eight impoverished students to study at the university in Beijing, thus realized these children’s dreams for studying.


In 2006, Khenpo Rinpoche made a great offering to all monks of LaRong Wu Ming Buddhist Academy with 12000 pieces of clothing and 120 tons of rice. 


In April of 2008, a fire accidentally burned through several main  halls at Cuoka Temple, the talking Mahakala statue, Terma collections, and a number of important Sutra and other relics were damaged.  Since then Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche began the difficult process of reconstructing the Čuoka Temple for the third time.


When Wenchuan Earthquake happened on May 12, 2008, Kamba Caring and People’s Benefits Association was the one to first launched the rescue.


During the Yushu earthquake on April 14, 2010, they became the main force of the rescue team , appeared timely in the disaster site to participate in the rescue. Under the leadership of Khenpo Rinpoche,  12,892,800 Yuan of funds and supplies, as well as 4500 pieces of tent were raised successively, for the victims of Yushu, this helped  with a total of 5000 families. Subsequently, he held pray for the deceased ceremony for the earthquake victims (as well as a large-scale release of nearly a thousand of cattle and sheep).


In the Summer of 2011, Khenpo Rinpoche made offerings to the monks in Ganzi region including LaRong Wu Ming Buddhist Academy, Yaqing Temple, Nuoxu Temple and many other temples, with 370 tons of rice.  In order to better carry out charitable activities, he also established a special Mercy Fund.  During the days before the Spring Festival in 2011, it was very cold in Yushu, Mercy Fund therefore launched "Keep Yushu warm, Send Love to YuShu Timely" event, Khenpo JiaYang Rinpoche actively participated and collected a total donation of approximately 2.57 million Yuan from more than 500 charitable people.


In April of 2011, children's stationery were all lost during the Yingjiang earthquake in YunNan.  Mercy Fund again launched the "Love Yingjiang, Caring Book Bags" event, and in just one short month, a steady flow of thirty thousand of charity book bags and stationery sets were sent to Yingjiang from across the country.  In June of 2011, Mercy Fund continued with the book bags campaign, and continued focus on students in poverty after the earthquake in Yushu.


In December of 2011, Mercy Fund was officially incorporated into China Population Welfare Foundation and since then has become an official non-profit public fund.


After the 2012 Japanese tsunami, Khenpo Jamyang led the disciples and held a large prayer event.


For the 2013 Ya'an earthquake, Khenpo Jamyang was the first to donate supplies and attended to the earthquake-stricken areas promptly for disaster relief.


On January 7, 2014, Beijing Cifu Philanthropy Foundation was officially established in Beijing.


In the May 2015 Nepal earthquake, Khenpo Jamyang organized an international disaster relief with the support of volunteers from Beijing Cifu Philanthropy Foundation.

No matter whether it is Kamba Caring and People’s Benefits Association, or Mercy Funds, Cifu Philanthropy Foundation always adheres to the spirit of caring for life; it is committed to the education of children, projects for people with disabilities, undertakings such as helping the elderly persons living alone, environmental protection, anti-disater rescue, wildlife protection, protection of intangible cultural heritage.  In addition, Khenpo Rinpoche busies going back and forth in various regions between both Tibet and China, through the release of living animals, explanation of Buddhist sutras, teaching of the chanting rituals, learning of Buddhism with experience and realization, printing scriptures and various benevolent deeds for the conveniences and benefits of all living beings, so that there would be many followers converted to Buddhism to learn and practice Dharma.


In accordance with the Nyingma tradition, and to carry on the legacy of Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok , Khenpo Rinpoche and his Root Guru both have one common wish of benefitting sentient beings. Compassionate, intelligent, peaceful, at ease, humorous, and approachable; everyone who he makes contact with are all impressed and touched by his charisma - this precisely is Khenpo Jamyang Rinpoche.

Some of the photos here are epitome of Khenpo Jamyang’s footprints in promoting Dharma throughout the country for 16 years.  During this period: the Guru traveled throughout the country in more than 30 cities such as Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Jinan, Fuzhou, Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Jinzhou, Yinchuan, Haikou and Erdos and set up Buddhist Centers to lead everyone to hear about and to practice Dharma. He organizes the release of living animals, Puja, offerings to the monks, hanging up the prayer flags, the establishment of a study group, and other Dharma promoting systems, the establishment of a charity system with Cifu Philanthropy Foundation and Cifu Che Youhui (Friends of Auto Group) as the carrier; all to form good affinities with others and to promote Dharma and benefit all beings, there are over hundreds of thousands of disciples.  He holds large-scale Dharma assemblies and participates in various public cultural charity forums. He has made an outstanding contribution to the world and benefit people through direct and indirect ways.


Since he came to promote Dharma in Inner China in 1999, he has worked tirelessly for so many years to promote Dharma everywhere, in order to realize the vows he had formerly made in front of the Root Guru Dharma King, for the benefits of all sentient beings, to persevere firmly and carry forward Dharma! This is the Dharma life of Khenpo JiaYang! Never thought about himself, everything is for the benefits of all beings!




































2011年4月,在云南盈江地震中,孩子们的文具丢失,慈爱基金再次发起“情系盈江,爱心书包“活动,在短短一个月的时间里,全国各地的爱心人士将三万套爱心书包和文具源源不断地寄到了盈江。2011年6月,慈爱基金继续 “情系玉树,爱心书包”的活动,持续关注玉树地震后的贫困学生。



















Warm Winter 温暖冬天


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